
Since our daughter began three year old kinder with Karen at Norwood, we have witnessed her flourish with confidence and curiosity. Karen is an expert teacher, with passion and empathy beyond measure. The children bounce out the gate each afternoon singing new songs and sharing their exciting experiences. We couldn’t have asked for a more nurturing environment than Norwood. Highly recommend.

Lisette, 2021 parent

So far we couldn’t be happier with the lovely, caring and nurturing environment at Canterbury Norwood. This kinder fits very well with our family values and our son is thriving!

Cara, 2021 parent

Karen’s years of experience shine through in everything she does for both the children and the parents at kinder. Karen runs a wonderfully rich, engaging program where the children feel comfortable and are nurtured. The foundations for future learning are being set and we couldn’t ask for a better introduction in our child’s educational journey.

Caroline, 2021 parent
